Service Type:
Homemaker Personal Care & Homemaker Personal Care Transportation
Provider Type:
Time of Day:
Evening, Night
Schedule Notes
Fri - 4pm–10:30pm
Sat - 4pm–10:30pm
13 Hours Total
Potential for weekday hours in the future
Age of Individual:
20-39 years old
Gender of Individual:
Gender of Provider:
No Preference
Area of Assistance and Assessed needs per outcome:
Individual has many interests including sports, food, and making others laugh.
Person is in need of assistance including transfers for toileting, bathing/showers, and all personal hygiene tasks. Supports help with all lifts and transfers to wheelchair, furniture, chair, and bed. Assist in all aspects of meal preparation including prompts while eating and clean up. Encourage verbal communication for needs and wants. Provide choices so that he can feel empowered in making decisions that affect him. Provide person with options on how to communicate, like with eye movements, verbal cues, pointing…etc. Provide verbal reminders to person and educate him about the importance of communicating his needs with others. Assist person in understanding that others must know what his needs are in order to keep him safe and healthy. Assist person in physically participating in personal hygiene skills like cleaning up after himself at mealtimes, dressing himself, brushing hair/teeth, applying deodorant…etc. through hand-over-hand and visual prompts. Assist with cleaning up after individual. This could include sweeping, mopping, cleaning bathroom and sinks. Floors/walkways are to be clear of debris at all times. All aspects of laundry to be completed as needed, this includes washing, drying, folding, and putting away all items of clothing. Person’s personal water bottle is to be refilled as needed; staff are to encourage person to drink from the bottle to assist with proper functioning of Baclofen Pump. Proper knowledge and training of potential Baclofen Pump to be completed between supports and guardian in the event of a pump malfunction. Assist with transportation into the community to Special Olympic practices/tournaments, shopping, restaurants, community events.
Best ways to communicate with the individual:
Communicate with the individual verbally. Provide options and prompt responses. Ensure understanding from the individual. Speak directly with the individual's guardian and other natural supports when discussing routines, care, needs, etc.
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