Family Support


What are Family Support Services?

Family Support Services is a program designed to assist families who are caring for a family member with a disability when that person resides in their home. Reimbursable services and supports through Family Support Services are tailored to the unique needs of the individual.

How do I qualify for Family Support Services?

Anyone who qualifies for services from the Fairfield County Board of Developmental Disabilities and lives with a family member can use Family Support Services. A family means parents, brothers, sisters, spouses, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, or guardians. Family Support Services cannot be used in foster homes.

How much money is available for my family?

FSS dollars are affected by the family household's federal taxable income. The Family Support Services Coordinator can tell you the amount available each year.

Summer Scholarship

The summer scholarship is a program that provides some funding support for summer enrichment activities. Funding is based on the age of the student and school enrollment status.

Contact Information

For information about the Family Support Services program, contact:

Family Support Services
(740) 652-7230, Office

Family Support Services is located at 717 College Avenue in the Services and Supports building.

If families have a phone or tablet with internet access, they can take a picture of a completed FSS or SSP request form and email it for processing.