September 17, 2024

Steps toward Independence

Devon practices his putting

For golfers, this summer’s dry weather has been perfect.  Devon Fox has been taking advantage of the unending sunshine to hit some balls.  Going to the course regularly wasn’t always something he did.  Devon has worked hard to make changes and set new goals for himself and for what he wants in his life. 

Devon worked with his team to start a new job and took responsibility to use his earnings and pay off debt that he had accrued.  Now, Devon is saving part of each paycheck, banking it into a new account earmarked for a beach vacation.  He currently has an apartment with a few roommates.  He is busy calling and touring open places as he searches for an apartment of his own.  

Golfing isn’t Devon’s only interest.  He also is an avid video gamer who likes to connect with players all over to compete. He used his first paycheck from his job to buy a new game, which he quickly mastered, and is currently saving for a new gaming system.  Devon also likes to swim and practices at the YMCA in Lancaster.  When looking at his budget, he wasn’t sure if he could make the membership at the Y work.  He chose to adjust his fast-food spending to cover his membership.  

Devon was linked with Starfire, a Fairfield DD community partner from Cincinnati, to utilize their community inclusion grant funds to expand his social network around his interests and desires. For Devon, these funds allow him additional rounds of golf as he develops his skills and build relationships.  Right now, he enjoys playing the Pumpkin Vine Golf Course and would eventually like to be part of a golf league.  For now, he will keep on this path to success (and a hole-in-one).

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